Below you will find a large selection of handouts and information sheets about our obstetrical services. Please review these informative sheets and let us know if you have any questions.
Related Links
Cord Blood Banking
Breast Pumps & Abdominal/Back Supports
OB-GYN Associates and Your Pregnancy
General Pregnancy Information
Car Safety for Pregnant Women, Babies, and Children (ACOG)
Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
Pre-Pregnancy Planning
Food/Nutrition: Good Health Before Pregnancy (ACOG)
Planning Your Pregnancy (ACOG)
Preconception Carrier Screening (ACOG)
Labor, Delivery, & Postpartum Care
Assisted Vaginal Delivery (ACOG)
Breastfeeding Your Baby (ACOG)
Cesarean Birth (C-section) (ACOG)
Exercise After Pregnancy (ACOG)
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring During Labor (ACOG)
How to Tell When Labor Begins (ACOG)
Medications for Pain Relief During Labor and Delivery (ACOG)
Preterm (Premature) Labor and Birth (ACOG)
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery: Deciding on a Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery (ACOG)
Additional Pregnancy Information
Adoption/Abortion/Raising the Baby -Pregnancy Choices (ACOG)
Back Pain - Ease Pain During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Birth Defects (ACOG
Birth Defects Screening Tests (ACOG
Birth Defects - Diagnosing (ACOG)
Birth Defects: FAQ about α-fetoprotein (OGA)
Bleeding During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Breastfeeding - The Surgeon General's Report
Breech - If Your Baby is Breech (ACOG)
Common Discomforts of Pregnancy (OGA)
Cystic Fibrosis: Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis (ACOG)
Diabetes: A Healthy Pregnancy for Women With Diabetes (ACOG)
Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes (ACOG)
Exercise During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Exposure: Childhood Illness and Pregnancy (ACOG)
Father's Guide to Pregnancy (ACOG)
Food/Nutrition: Food Safety At-A-Glance (OGA)
Food/Nutrition: Nutrition During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Group B Streptococcus and Pregnancy (ACOG)
Having a Baby After Age 35 (ACOG)
Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in Pregnancy (ACOG)
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Miscarriage: Early Pregnancy Loss: Miscarriage and Molar Pregnancy (ACOG)
Miscarriage: Repeated Miscarriage (ACOG)
Nutrition During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Pregnancy Choices: Raising the Baby, Adoption, and Abortion (ACOG)
Prenatal Development: How Your Baby Grows During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Post Dates: What to Expect After Your Due Date (ACOG)
Rh Factor: How It Can Affect Pregnancy (ACOG)
Skin Conditions During Pregnancy (ACOG)
Testing: Diagnostic Tests for Birth Defects (ACOG)
Testing: Routine Tests in Pregnancy (ACOG)
Testing: Screening Tests for Birth Defects (ACOG)
Testing: Special Tests for Monitoring Fetal Health (ACOG)
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs and Pregnancy (ACOG)
Travel During Pregnancy (ACOG)